Mount the unit in position so that the float mechanism moves vertically and is at an elevation above the pump priming port.
Use noncollapsible hose to connect the unit OUT port to the vacuum source, for example a tee fitting spliced into the vacuum line.
Use noncollapsible hose to connect the unit IN port to the pump priming port, with the provided ball valve in between.
Close the priming line ball valve.
Close the pump discharge valve to prevent air being drawn through the discharge.
Start the vacuum source.
Open the priming line ball valve.
When water enters unit, close priming line ball valve. (Water entering unit indicates pump is primed.)
Start the pump and open the pump discharge valve.
Stop the vacuum source then allow the water to drain from the unit
*NOTE: If water does not flow from discharge, turn your pump OFF and repeat steps 2 through 5. When pump is discharging properly the priming line may be disconnected from primer and the engine providing vacuum turned OFF.
Chamber housing should be kept clean in order to observe the float valve.
*If necessary, remove the unit and flush with water or a mild soap solution. *Do not use any harsh cleanser or chemicals to clean the unit.
Use only soap and water to clean plastic parts.
Do not tighten tie bolts or plastic dome more than necessary to provide seal.
Keep the priming line ball valve closed when manifold primer/water trap not in use.
Normal speeds for small engines are usually higher than for large engines, therefore primers may be generally classified in four groups as follows:
Use adapter to attach ejector to engine exhaust stack.
Pump discharge must be closed while priming. This can be done by installing a discharge check valve or hand operated gate valve.
Install vacuum gauge and priming valve on priming line, between the valve and ejector.
*NOTE: Vacuum gauge should indicate priming rate of 18-22 Hg.
After priming is completed, lay handle and brass cap 180 degrees from priming position to allow exhaust to escape.
Before every use, check the unit for accumulated build-up of dirt or soot from the engine exhaust.
If vacuum gauge is not working, replace before using EP.
EPs will not work effectively on single cylinder or two cycle (two strokes) engines.
Installing a Tachometer on the engine to determine exact speed is useful.
Line air leaks may prevent priming.
EPs can be used on turbo engines, provided that the RPMs are kept between 1100 and 1200.
This information is set forth in general terms for the benefit of distributors, but it is advisable that distributors provide appropriate instruction to their customers.
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